2007年2月22日 星期四

Loving Annabelle (戀戀師情)

Loving Annabelle (戀戀師情)


導演 Dir: Katherine Brooks
主演 Cast: Erin Kelly, Diane Gaidry

我所做是對的, 不過我從沒有期望過妳會明白.

有點電影"蝴蝶"的感覺, 不過宗教元素令氣氛更重, 回響更大.

(full size photo)

發生在天主教學校內的同性師生戀故事,於禮教所不容。單純、原始的情感挑戰世俗道德的規範;不被接納的禁 彷彿更是淒美,讓她們難以抽身。電影中不只一次提及除下頸上的 “cross”(十字架),令人不禁質疑此物象徵的是一個信念?還是一個符號學上的否定解說?除下和戴上之間是堅持還是對抗?
A complex and steamy tale of forbidden love, Loving Annabelle takes us inside the closed gates of a strict Catholic boarding school. Annabelle (Erin Kelly), a rebellious Senator's daughter is sent to a secluded boarding school, one of the remaining few that will take her in. She soon catches the attention of poetry teacher Simone (Diane Gaidry), who finds it difficult to control this wilful rebel. When Simone is assigned to keep an eye on Annabelle, she begins to actively pursue her teacher, desperate to unlock the passion Simone is struggling to keep under wraps. Winner of the Audience Awards for Best Actress and Best Feature at Outfest, this sexy, touching and controversial film from out director Katherine Brooks has been a favourite at many film festivals this year.
