營役的生活重壓與急速的都市節奏,差點連人最寶貴的成長記憶都奪去…… 記得小時候無論遇到甚麼,只要跑到海邊與神秘女孩一同遊覽奇幻水世界,就把不快忘得一乾二淨。妳,還愛到燈塔頂看雲海嗎?優美悅目的畫功令此片贏得有「動畫界康城影展」之稱的「法國安錫國際動畫展最佳動畫大獎」,南韓的動畫勢力確是不容小覷。
導演 : ---演員 : 李秉憲 、安聖基 、裴宗玉片長 : 86 分鐘 級數 : ---語言 : 韓語 (中英文字幕)
My Beautiful Girl, Mari'
A critically acclaimed animated film from South Korea, My Beautiful Girl, Mari tells the story of Nam-woo, a young boy who struggles through hardships growing up. When troubled, he seeks refuge on the top of an abandoned lighthouse where he can escape into a surreal fantasy. In the dream world, there is this mysterious beautiful girl, Mari, who gives him the strength he needs to face the harsh realities of his burgeoning adulthood. Simple, beautiful, deep and thoughtful, the film won a deserved Grand Prix (Best Feature Film) at the 26th Annecy International Animated Film Festival.
Director : Lee Sung-kangCast : Lee Byung-heon、 Ahn Sung-ki、 Bae Jong-okDuration : 86 mins Category : ---Language : Korean (English and Chinese Subtitles)