看膩了講求視覺包裝的荷里活3D動畫,不妨換換口味。與祖母相依為命的單車手比賽中途被綁架,天生長短腳的阿嬤與唱家班姊妹花組成「耆英特攻隊」越洋拯救,終於追到黑幫天堂的美麗都…… 明眼人一看就知這個霸道城市是另有所指。愛標榜缺陷美的導演蕭凡蘇美於《我愛巴黎》的默劇小丑短篇令人印象深刻,前作的古怪畫功與清簡對白完美配搭亦一樣娛樂性十足,法國動畫真是「零舍不同」。
導演 : 蕭凡蘇美演員 : Beatrice Bonifassi、Lina Boudreau片長 : 80 分鐘 級數 : ---語言 : 法語及葡語 (中英文字幕)
看膩了講求視覺包裝的荷里活3D動畫,不妨換換口味。與祖母相依為命的單車手比賽中途被綁架,天生長短腳的阿嬤與唱家班姊妹花組成「耆英特攻隊」越洋拯救,終於追到黑幫天堂的美麗都…… 明眼人一看就知這個霸道城市是另有所指。愛標榜缺陷美的導演蕭凡蘇美於《我愛巴黎》的默劇小丑短篇令人印象深刻,前作的古怪畫功與清簡對白完美配搭亦一樣娛樂性十足,法國動畫真是「零舍不同」。
導演 : 蕭凡蘇美演員 : Beatrice Bonifassi、Lina Boudreau片長 : 80 分鐘 級數 : ---語言 : 法語及葡語 (中英文字幕)
Belleville Rendezvous'
Raised by his grandmother Madame Souza, the orphan boy Champion dreams about racing in Tour de France. During mountain training, however, he is kidnapped by the French mafia and whisked across the Atlantic to the city of Belleville. In her quest to rescue her beloved boy, Madame Souza goes to Belleville and finds help in a trio of eccentric vaudeville singers. Despite the scarcity of dialogues, Belleville Rendezvous is highly satirical, has a lot to say and pokes fun at both the French and North Americans. The hand-drawn animation gives it a deliberately antiquated visual style that is, perhaps, quintessentially French.
Director : Sylvain ChornetCast : Beatrice Bonifassi、Lina BoudreauDuration : 80 mins Category : ---Language : French and Portuguese (English and Chinese Subtitles)
Raised by his grandmother Madame Souza, the orphan boy Champion dreams about racing in Tour de France. During mountain training, however, he is kidnapped by the French mafia and whisked across the Atlantic to the city of Belleville. In her quest to rescue her beloved boy, Madame Souza goes to Belleville and finds help in a trio of eccentric vaudeville singers. Despite the scarcity of dialogues, Belleville Rendezvous is highly satirical, has a lot to say and pokes fun at both the French and North Americans. The hand-drawn animation gives it a deliberately antiquated visual style that is, perhaps, quintessentially French.
Director : Sylvain ChornetCast : Beatrice Bonifassi、Lina BoudreauDuration : 80 mins Category : ---Language : French and Portuguese (English and Chinese Subtitles)