登機門 Boarding Gate
導演:奧利維亞.阿薩耶斯 法國 2007 彩色 106分鐘 中英文字幕 演員:艾絲雅.阿珍圖、米高.麥遜、林熙蕾、吳嘉龍
《女飛賊再現江湖》或《錯過又如何》為張曼玉而拍,這一部沒有最近紅遍歐洲的cult片女王艾絲雅.阿珍圖便不成事,缺了香港也不可以。阿薩耶斯終於夢想成真,用B級片的格局來港拍片。阿珍圖演謎一樣的惹火動物,和黑道出身的銀行家米高.麥遜(塔倫天奴愛將)先有一段變態情慾關係。麥遜被殺,阿珍圖迷走香港,用手槍和情慾跟吳嘉龍和林熙蕾串連。Sonic Youth音樂助陣,更有搖滾女王Kim Gordon客串。一個愛香港的導演用驚慄拍出另一種香港顏色。
Dir: Olivier Assayas France 2007 Colour 106 min English subtitles Cast: Asia Argento, Michael Madsen, Kelly Lin, Carl Ng, Kim Gordon
From Clean director Assayas comes this thriller starring cult favourites Asia Argento and Michael Madsen, and co-starring Hong Kong actors Carl Ng and Kelly Lin. Former prostitute Sandra reunites with her former pimp and one-time lover Miles to sexy, if dangerous, effect. Sandra's flight from Paris, where the action begins, takes her to Hong Kong and deeper into a duplicitous partnership with her new boyfriend Lester (Ng) and his wife Sue (Lin). Nothing's what it seems - least of all Sandra.
2007 Cannes Film Festival Midnight Screening