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2nd HKIAFF : 勇者傳說
製作費高達10億日元,曾獲提名2007日本電影賞最佳動畫電影。 本影片找來日本知名女星松隆子、常盤貴子等任配音,更入圍角逐於法國舉行的2007安斯國際動畫電影節。 少年小渡突然面對父母即將離異、母親意圖自殺的困局。面對一連串打擊,他認為這樣的 人生是錯誤的,想要改變命運,於是進入了轉學生小滿告訴他的「改變命運之門」,走進 去的只有一個人最終得到命運女神的許願請求。小渡滿腦都是關於魔幻世界的話,為了能 找回往日一家幸福的畫面,他走上了空中的樓梯,走入隨旅人想像力創造的魔幻世界,展 開扭轉命運的冒險。
導演 : 千明孝一
片長 : 112 分鐘
級數 : I
語言 : 日語 (中文字幕)
2nd HKIAFF : Brave Story
With a production cost of 1 billion Yen, this animation was nominated as the Best Animation Film of the Awards of the Japanese Academy 2007. Voiced by Japanese famous actresses Matsu Takako and Tokiwa Takako, the film is in competition in Annecy International Animation Film Festival 2007 in France.When 10-year-old Wataru's father leaves home and his mother is taken ill to hospital, he decides to change his fate by travelling through the door shown to him by his friend Mitsuru. In a land of magic and monsters, Wataru must summon all his courage and embark on a journey with several comrades to meet the Goddess of Destiny and change this "mistaken fate".
Director : Koichi ChigiraCast : ---Duration : 112 mins Category : ILanguage : Japanese (Chinese subtitle)
