只需要花上數分鐘或是半小時,便可以進入不同的世界,體驗生命中的甜酸苦辣。Peter NG全新動畫《我要大房子!!》,每個人總有自己追尋的夢想, 蝸牛也擁有;大家都想要一間大房子,蝸牛也不例外!金穗獎最佳劇情片《花宅五十三號》裡,因為一個夢,石頭決定回到其出生地;跟隨他那忘不了的記憶,回到了五年前的快樂歲月。許誠毅1984年香港獨立短片展最佳動畫《翅膀》,某男子睡著了並掉進了一個旅程,帶領我們經歷不同的情感。Clermont-Ferrand國際短片節大獎《盧旺達的最後一條狗》,David跟Mats深入盧旺達的戰區裡,報導大屠殺的新聞,命運跟他們開的玩笑也真的震撼。奧斯卡最佳動畫短片《丹麥詩人》,詩人Kasper的創意泉源快乾涸,於是到挪威旅行去,他發現看似沒有關連的東西,扮演著非常重要的角色。奧斯卡最佳劇情短片《愛在河西岸》為一部搞笑音樂劇,以色列士兵David,愛上了巴勒斯坦女收銀員Fatima;他們兩人的愛情力量,能否勝過那2000年來的家族鬥爭?
導演 : ---演員 : ---片長 : 104 分鐘 級數 : ---語言 : 多種語言 (部份中英文字幕)
Short Film Paradise
Spend only a few minutes or half an hour to taste the meaning of life. New animation by Peter NG, “I Want A Big House !!”, everyone has a dream, even a snail does. We want a big house, so does a snail. Golden Harvest Award Best Fiction Film “53 Flower House”, Because of a dream, Stone decides to go back to his birthplace again. He falls into the unforgettable memory of the happy time five years ago. Raman HUI’s “Wings Of The Mind”, Best Animation of Hong Kong Independent Short Film Festival 1984, a man falls asleep and sinks into a journey that takes you through different emotions. Grand Prix of Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival, “The Last Dog In Rwanda” ,David and Mats travel through the war-torn country in Rwanda in order to depict the massacres. The process is so real and the ending is so shocked. Oscar Best Animation Short Film, “The Danish Poet”, following Kasper, a poet whose creative well has run dry, on a holiday to Norway. He discovers the important roles of seemingly unrelated factors. Oscar Best Live Action Short Film, “West Bank Story” , a musical comedy. David, an Israeli soldier, falls in love with the beautiful Palestinian cashier, Fatima. Can the couple's love withstand a 2000 year old conflict?
Director : ---Cast : ---Duration : 104 mins Category : ---Language : Various Languages (Partially with Chinese or English subtitles)
Spend only a few minutes or half an hour to taste the meaning of life. New animation by Peter NG, “I Want A Big House !!”, everyone has a dream, even a snail does. We want a big house, so does a snail. Golden Harvest Award Best Fiction Film “53 Flower House”, Because of a dream, Stone decides to go back to his birthplace again. He falls into the unforgettable memory of the happy time five years ago. Raman HUI’s “Wings Of The Mind”, Best Animation of Hong Kong Independent Short Film Festival 1984, a man falls asleep and sinks into a journey that takes you through different emotions. Grand Prix of Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival, “The Last Dog In Rwanda” ,David and Mats travel through the war-torn country in Rwanda in order to depict the massacres. The process is so real and the ending is so shocked. Oscar Best Animation Short Film, “The Danish Poet”, following Kasper, a poet whose creative well has run dry, on a holiday to Norway. He discovers the important roles of seemingly unrelated factors. Oscar Best Live Action Short Film, “West Bank Story” , a musical comedy. David, an Israeli soldier, falls in love with the beautiful Palestinian cashier, Fatima. Can the couple's love withstand a 2000 year old conflict?
Director : ---Cast : ---Duration : 104 mins Category : ---Language : Various Languages (Partially with Chinese or English subtitles)