導演:錦織博 日本 2006 彩色 90分鐘 中文字幕
KinKi Kids的堂本光一首度聲演主角及主唱主題曲,令《獸王星》的注目度爆燈。這部改編自樹夏美的科幻少女漫畫的動畫,由製作《鋼之鍊金術師》的名廠BONES動畫化,質素保證超讚。西曆2436年,孖生兄弟萊伊和薩特的雙親被殺,兩兄弟更被流放到獸王星。這個蠻荒世界到處長滿肉食性的植物,而且天氣極端,恍如地獄一樣。為生存,他們必須先放下人性; 為復仇,更必須不惜一切當上獸王。
Dir: Hiroshi Nishikiori Japan 2006 Colour 90 min Chinese subtitles only
Thor and his twin brother, Rai, are cast off to a forsaken planet by unknown masked men after witnessing the death of their parents. Given only a beam knife and a smelly satchel, they wander together in search of civilization on the primarily plant based world. Only the strong survive; the ones who throw away their humanity and become the beasts humans once were.