地獄少女二籠 Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori – Girl From Hell Season 2
導演:大森貴弘 日本 2006 彩色 86分鐘 中文字幕
原創動畫《地獄少女》風魔全日本,虛擬網站人氣勁爆,連其大玩 cosplay主題的咖啡店也延長營業,當然更火速推出了漫畫版及真人電視劇。《二籠》將揭開閻魔愛和三位手下身世之謎,新登場更有神秘的和服少女。求助人只要午夜零時零分登上地獄通信的網站留言,閻魔愛就會化身地獄少女替他復仇,不過代價是他朝也要下地獄! 一個男孩無辜被打入地獄,閻魔愛違規出手相救,結果令自己亦被遣返人間…
Dir: Takahiro Omori Japan 2006 Colour 86 min Chinese subtitles only
Ai Enma once again returns as the Jigoku Shoujo, who uses Jigoku Tsuushin (Hell Hotline) to allow people to post their grudges on their tormentors, sending them straight to Hell. In exchange, the users of the website will end up in Hell after they die. Meanwhile, a mysterious girl with blue eyes called Kikuri appears and seems to have strange intentions towards Ai and Jigoku Tsuushin's operation.