Future Shorts 2007精選集
英國為基地的短片品牌Future Short,現在正式登陸香港。十二部短片包括:《朋友你撐得起》讓我們體會惡作劇也可以高層次。朋友?就是用來撐的吧!《大路之王》幾部電動車成為了大路之王,汽油車通通唔該讓路。《物歸原處》在東京某便利店裡,有一個性情孤僻,又有強迫性症狀的男職員跟顧客對著幹。《3分鐘登月之旅》一部妙想天開的動畫,由地球飛向月亮,原來唔駛三分鐘。《蜻蜓飛,飛到神奇地》夜半醒來掉進了神奇時刻,唔理好醜只要就手,偷架貨車開往郊外去。《點只肉扒咁簡單》身為單親母親甚艱難,有些真相更不應該被兒子知道,例如:肉扒如何來?《失憶打工備忘錄》打工仔忽然失憶,他嘗試以相機捕捉回他那煩瑣過煩瑣,重複過重複的生活。《百老匯逐格睇》跟著漫畫逐格追,遊走不一樣的紐約大街;以漫畫的方式表達存在主義可以這麼有趣。英國電影電視藝術學院獎最佳動畫短片《愈墮落愈藝術》:在某個遠離文明而又被人遺忘的舊軍事基地,一群變態軍官正在創作出一項瘋癲的「行為藝術」。《生存就是這麼搞嘢》根據生活經驗引爆出連串笑話,極盡妒忌與搞鬼之能事。《頭頭是勁》這班日本鼓手唔用鼓棍,改用人頭,這一曲認真勁!倫敦科幻電影節最佳短片《狗人的歲月》科學家發明了一種藥,讓他吃了後可以對其愛犬表達其非凡愛意。
導演 : ---演員 : ---片長 : 75 分鐘 級數 : ---語言 : 部份英語及日語 (部份英文字幕)
Future Shorts 2007 Selection
Future Shorts, a UK based short film label is going to kick off in Hong Kong. 12 shorts included:- “We Are Your Friends”, this is what friendship is all about! Pranks are taken to another level. “Hitchcock”, electric cars fly around various locations as an antidote to the polluted petrol guzzling ways of our current 4×4 infested roads. “Right Place”, an eccentric, obsessive Tokyo convenience store worker discovers a new career. “Journey To The Moon”, an animated short about the fantastic journey of getting from the Earth to the Moon. “Dragonfly”, after falling into a deep sleep, our hero is 'stolen' and whisked through a magical night-time countryside on the back of a truck. “Meat”, times are hard for single mothers. But there are things that young boys just do not want to know. “Salaryman”, a salaryman attempts to piece together his life using the aid of a pocket camera, after losing his memory. “Broadway”, an comic strip about hope, existentialism and walking down New York City’s famous street. BAFTA Best Animation Short, “Fallen Art”, in an old forgotten military base far from civilization, a group of deranged military officers nurture their insanity. “Tales Of Mere Existence”, another collection of hilarious tales illuminating emotions from jealousy to horniness. “Drum Machine”, Japanese kodo drummers beat out a hefty tune, using their heads in place of sticks. London Sci-Fi Film Festival Best Short Film, “La Vie D'un Chien”, a scientist synthesizes a drug that enables him to consume his love for his pet dog.
Director : ---Cast : ---Duration : 75 mins Category : ---Language : Partially English and Japanese (Partially with English subtitles)