雲之彼端 約定的地方
導演:新海誠 日本 2004 彩色 90分鐘 中文字幕
新海誠首部動畫長片。神秘巨塔的彼端,兩個十五歲的少年一起戀上她,她卻患上怪病轉學而去,無法釋懷的少年各散東西。兩少年重遇後,得知她仍然未癒,為了解開一切源自巨塔的謎,他們回到約定的地方...同場放映新海的成名短篇《星之聲》(2003, 25分鐘),傳說他只用家中的Mac機,花7個月獨力完成。以光年計算的超長距離戀愛,把無限思念流放宇宙。囊括多個動畫大獎,高達之父富野由悠季強烈推介,不看枉為動畫迷!
導演:新海誠 日本 2004 彩色 90分鐘 中文字幕
新海誠首部動畫長片。神秘巨塔的彼端,兩個十五歲的少年一起戀上她,她卻患上怪病轉學而去,無法釋懷的少年各散東西。兩少年重遇後,得知她仍然未癒,為了解開一切源自巨塔的謎,他們回到約定的地方...同場放映新海的成名短篇《星之聲》(2003, 25分鐘),傳說他只用家中的Mac機,花7個月獨力完成。以光年計算的超長距離戀愛,把無限思念流放宇宙。囊括多個動畫大獎,高達之父富野由悠季強烈推介,不看枉為動畫迷!
The Place Promised in Our Early Days
Dir: Shinkai Makoto Japan 2004 Colour 90min Chinese subtitles
Unprecedented anime auteur Shinkai Makoto truly came into his own with The Place Promised in Our Early Days. In his first feature, three high school friends navigate an alternate reality of a divided Japan. When they discover a mysterious, abandoned aircraft, they attempt to reconstruct it - an adventure that will take them very far from where they started. Shinkai's talent for combining epic fantasy with poignant emotion was first displayed in Voices of a Distant Star (25 mins), a lusciously-drawn short film which follows the futuristic love story of two teenagers across time and space. (It will be shown in a double bill. Total: 115 mins)
Unprecedented anime auteur Shinkai Makoto truly came into his own with The Place Promised in Our Early Days. In his first feature, three high school friends navigate an alternate reality of a divided Japan. When they discover a mysterious, abandoned aircraft, they attempt to reconstruct it - an adventure that will take them very far from where they started. Shinkai's talent for combining epic fantasy with poignant emotion was first displayed in Voices of a Distant Star (25 mins), a lusciously-drawn short film which follows the futuristic love story of two teenagers across time and space. (It will be shown in a double bill. Total: 115 mins)