knBrick Point 餅力推介點: [導演, 剪接, 聲效, 特效, 美術, 化裝, 動作 ]

故事發生於德克薩斯州:軍事基地洩漏生化病毒,在醫生夫妻威廉(佐斯布連Josh Brolin飾)與其妻狄歌達Dakota(瑪妮雪頓Marley Shelton飾)之醫院內,不停有感染病毒的居民求診,其實這些居民數小時後便會變成食人喪屍。勁索舞孃采妮Cherry(露絲麥高雲飾)被喪屍食去右腳,切去右腳的采妮被男友艾雷Wray(費迪洛迪格斯Freddy Rodriguez飾)裝上一支機關槍當作義肢。從此以槍代腳的采妮,遂與艾雷聯手,以「機關槍腳」掃射食人喪屍,帶領未受感染的少數人類撤離這個恐怖星球……
導演 : 羅拔洛迪格斯演員 : 露絲麥高雲, 瑪妮雪頓, 費迪羅迪格斯, 佐斯布連片長 : 106 分鐘 級數 : III語言 : 英語 (中文字幕)
Planet Terror
In PLANET TERROR, married doctors William and Dakota Block (Josh Brolin and Marley Shelton) find their graveyard shift inundated with townspeople ravaged by gangrenous sores and a suspiciously vacant look in their eyes. Among the wounded is Cherry (Rose McGowan), a go-go dancer whose leg was ripped from her body during a roadside attack. Wray (Freddy Rodriguez), her former significant other, is at her side and watching her back. Cherry may be down, but she hasn't danced her last number. As the invalids quickly become enraged aggressors, Cherry and Wray lead a team of accidental warriors into the night, hurtling towards a destiny that will leave millions infected, countless dead, and a lucky few struggling to find the last safe corner of PLANET TERROR.
Director : Robert RodriguezCast : Rose McGowan, Marley Shelton, Freddy Rodriguez, Josh BrolinDuration : 106 mins Category : IIILanguage : English (Chinese Subtitles)
