十一部感動人心的動畫:《愛就在你身邊》這個音樂錄像動畫把塑膠黏土人物,設置在一個由電腦動畫建構的環境裡,卻是一次和諧的結合。《完美清潔1號》清潔機械人ZERO 1號絕對不容許在工作地方出現離奇污跡,他以為是同事跟他開玩笑,決定要他們自食其果。《按按按吧》麵粉人愛為麵粉團按摩,他們彼此吸引成為伴侶,最後更成家立室;真是一團和氣。《活在漆黑裡》導演小時候眼睛受傷,活在漆黑中。其父親的失明令他更珍惜自己的視力。《母親的故事》導演和媽媽如何保持着密切關係。他終於要出國讀書了,留下了媽媽和一些瑣碎的童年回憶。《刺蝟小廚師》刺蝟在廚房裡弄食物,神乎其技,不亦樂乎。《月球上的人》19世紀的荷蘭,年輕的醫科學生發現一個男人竟然從月球上爬繩梯下來,繼而開始了一段不可思議的歷險。《歐州式真情告白》「真」鴨苦戀假膠鴨,自討苦吃之餘更換來了意想不到的結果。《戰火情天》Bunny坐在房中翻閱相簿,想起了從前的日子,一段段關於她跟愛人Bear相愛的時光重要眼前。《悲慘少女的快樂結局》這部出人意表而又帶著情感的動畫,小女孩接受自己與眾不同之處,從而獲得了接納。《家家有餅難錄的帶》Beryl買了一部新數碼攝錄機,她答允拍攝好友Mandy的婚禮,卻換來了意想不到的災難與趣事。
導演 : ---演員 : ---片長 : 89 分鐘 級數 : ---語言 : 英語及法語 (中或英文字幕)
十一部感動人心的動畫:《愛就在你身邊》這個音樂錄像動畫把塑膠黏土人物,設置在一個由電腦動畫建構的環境裡,卻是一次和諧的結合。《完美清潔1號》清潔機械人ZERO 1號絕對不容許在工作地方出現離奇污跡,他以為是同事跟他開玩笑,決定要他們自食其果。《按按按吧》麵粉人愛為麵粉團按摩,他們彼此吸引成為伴侶,最後更成家立室;真是一團和氣。《活在漆黑裡》導演小時候眼睛受傷,活在漆黑中。其父親的失明令他更珍惜自己的視力。《母親的故事》導演和媽媽如何保持着密切關係。他終於要出國讀書了,留下了媽媽和一些瑣碎的童年回憶。《刺蝟小廚師》刺蝟在廚房裡弄食物,神乎其技,不亦樂乎。《月球上的人》19世紀的荷蘭,年輕的醫科學生發現一個男人竟然從月球上爬繩梯下來,繼而開始了一段不可思議的歷險。《歐州式真情告白》「真」鴨苦戀假膠鴨,自討苦吃之餘更換來了意想不到的結果。《戰火情天》Bunny坐在房中翻閱相簿,想起了從前的日子,一段段關於她跟愛人Bear相愛的時光重要眼前。《悲慘少女的快樂結局》這部出人意表而又帶著情感的動畫,小女孩接受自己與眾不同之處,從而獲得了接納。《家家有餅難錄的帶》Beryl買了一部新數碼攝錄機,她答允拍攝好友Mandy的婚禮,卻換來了意想不到的災難與趣事。
導演 : ---演員 : ---片長 : 89 分鐘 級數 : ---語言 : 英語及法語 (中或英文字幕)
11 touching animations. “Love Is On Our Side”, music animation shows plasticine characters in a 3D CGI environment. A harmonious combination. “Nobody’s Perfect”, ZERO 1, a cleaning robot, cannot bear the unexpected appearance of stains. He is going to give his colleagues a hard time. “Massage (Nuad)”, a flour man enjoys massaging a flour lump, which becomes his mate. Finally they create flour man family. “Living in the Dark”, about the childhood experiences of the filmmaker and his father. How the blindness makes the filmmaker cherish all the beauty that he sees in this world. “Sukki’s Story”, when the filmmaker leaves Hong Kong to start his new life in a new country, leaving mum behind and lots of wonderful memories. “Little Kitchen”, a hedgehog is cooking in the kitchen, with his superb skills. “The Moon Man”, a young medical student discovers the strange activities of a man who has climbed down from the moon by a rope ladder. “European Love”, a difficult relationship between a “real” duck and a fake plastic-duck. “Love And War”, Bunny is sitting in her bedroom browsing through a photo album. She starts daydreaming of the time she shared with Bear, the love of her life. “Tragic Story With Happy Ending” , a little girl finds acceptance in embracing her own difference. This whimsically lyrical film has the timeless charm of an old fable. “Dreams And Desires – Family Ties”, Beryl agrees to video her friend Mandy’s wedding, seizing the opportunity to imitate her filmmaking idols with disastrous & hilarious results.
Director : ---Cast : ---Duration : 89 mins Category : ---Language : English & French (Chinese or English subtitles)